Exercise your career

Do you feel stuck in your current job? Many do.

Sue Shellenbarger suggests in her AWSJ article for you to update your career blueprint.

· “Take time out quarterly to take stock of what’s working well in your career and what’s not.”

· “Focus on the next positive step rather than trying to make a 20 year plan.”

· “Ask yourself what you could add or change on your current job to do more of what you want.”

· “Consider learning new skills or trying to freelance gigs as a way of discovering new passions.”

· “Keep a journal to help recall details and notice patterns in your skills and accomplishments.”

· “Build your reputation by writing or speaking publicly about new developments in your field.”

· “Expand your network beyond past and present colleagues to include others in your field, industry and region.”

The key here is to take action and to just do it. Not all at once next week, but a little each week. These small steps will allow you to take more control over your career/life.